About me

I am a 23 year old girl from Norway that have loved writing her whole life. Writing poetry started as a way of processing emotions, but is now something I enjoy in many different ways. I both read and write poetry because of the way it captures the human experience through our feelings, and I wanted to share my words with the world in case it can give someone else the support other poems have given me. 


I haven't figured out my life completely, and I never thought I would end up as a published author. Writing is for me first and foremost a hobby and passion, not a career I plan on pursuing. I have a bachelor in social anthropology and work in kindergarten now before doing my master. My hope is to work in a humanitarian organization to help children in difficult situations. 


I have loved reading my whole life, with both my parents being teachers in language and literature, and always encouraging me to read. As a kid I wanted to become an author, and I have always had lots of stories in my mind. Even though my focus is poetry now, I also have several projects for novels that might come in the future. 


For now the best way to get to know me further would be to read my debut, My Deadly Heart, out now.

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